Extreme weather conditions: What does this mean for employers?

The effects of Hurricane Ophelia are likely to cause a headache for employers UK wide, with damaged buildings and closed networks wide ranging. Businesses may find that they need to temporarily close; or in the event that they do stay open, employees may be unable to get to work.

There is no specific legislation that governs the issue of travelling to work when the weather is bad, however, the following advice is available.

(1)  Is the employee able to work from home?

In the first instance, employers should be flexible. Is the employee able to work from home until the weather improves – employers should also consider using annual leave or allowing the employee to make up the time.

(2)  Consider the personal circumstances of each employee

Employers should consider the area that each employee lives in. Some employees may live in an area that is easily accessible to the workplace and others may live some distance away or in a more rural location. Ultimately, an employer has a duty of care towards the health and safety of his employee, and if threatened with disciplinary sanctions, employees may be unreasonably forced to embark on potentially dangerous journeys to work. Which exposes the employer to risk in this instance.

(3)  Employers may have to temporarily close the business

If you have to close the business, unless there is a contractual term to place your employees on unpaid lay off, employees will be entitled to full pay for any working hours they would have worked if the business was opened.

(4)  Paying staff who cannot make it into work

The employer does not have to pay the employee if they cannot make it into the workplace. For example, an employee can’t get into work because the trainline has been cancelled or the roads are closed, as the business is open, this absence would be considered as unpaid. This may seem a little extreme, therefore employers may wish to discuss pay further with an employee during this absence.

(5)  Employees who have children whose school has been closed due to the weather

It is important employers remember that employees have the right to take time off for dependents when other care arrangements break down. Time off for dependents would usually last around 2 days, anything after this should be discussed with the employee.

How can Employment Law Services (ELS)

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

Please note, the information in this article is for guidance purposes only and it is therefore advised that employers seek legal advice before embarking on any enforcement action.

Scary Legal Issues that Halloween brings for employers

Halloween is a celebration observed by a number of countries worldwide on the 31st October and with it comes allegations of workplace misconduct.

Inappropriate behaviour can arise at any time of the year; however, Halloween appears to bring a special type of poor behaviour.

Discrimination against Pagan Witches

It is important that employers do not take uncommon religious beliefs less seriously than more obvious beliefs.

This was seen in the case of Holland v Angel Supermarket Ltd and Another. In this case a Wiccan employee claimed she was unfairly dismissed after her employers found out she was a Pagan practicing witch. It was reported that her employers asked if “modern day witches still flew on broomsticks.”

The Equality Act 2010 protects individuals of “any religion” and does not specify that the belief has to be of a major religion in order to be protected.

Fancy dress discrimination

In the case of X v Y, the Employment Tribunal established that a gay employee was harassed after attending a work fancy dress party where the employee observed banter of an offensive sexual nature.

Often employers use fancy dress during holiday periods to motivate their staff. However, it is important that businesses are aware that fancy dress in the workplace has the capacity to offend others. E.G. Religious and nationality costumes could result in a discrimination claim.

Further, in the case of Brown v Young and Co.’s Brewery, the Employment Tribunal submitted that a manager harassed a black employee by telling him he “looked like a pimp” as he was wearing a St Patricks Day hat.

Halloween related misconduct

In Biggin Hill Airport v Derwich, an employee had her contract of employment terminated after placing an image of a witch on the screensaver of a colleague who she was in dispute with.

Misconduct through social media

What employees post on social media can have a detrimental effect on your organisation. Liam Williams, an international Welsh rugby player found himself having to publicly apologise after he posted a picture of him painted black online posing as the footballer Wilfried Bony.

It is recommended that employers have a social media policy providing employees with clear provisions on what will be deemed acceptable and unacceptable conduct online.

Health and Safety issues

Should you permit your employees to come in to work in fancy dress. It is important you are aware of the health and safety implications that come with this. E.G. Allowing workers to wear costumes whilst operating machinery can be disastrous.

The law provides that employers will be held liable for the safety of their employees. In Travis v Robbins-Sykes Hardwood Flooring, an employer learnt the hard way after the courts held him responsible for one of his workers injury compensation claims. In this event, the employee fell off a stool after being scared by a colleague who was wearing a mask.

Employer considerations

-Ensure there is clear guidelines and policies on appropriate workplace conduct;

-Confirm with managers their understanding on discrimination and harassment in the workplace;

-Ensure all policies are applied fairly and at all times.

Employment Law Support for Employers

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

World Mental Health Day 2017 – Mental health in the workplace

What is mental health?

ACAS define mental health as: “The mental and emotional state in which we feel able to cope with normal stresses of everyday life.”

When an individual feels good about themselves they often work more productively, communicate better with colleagues and make a valuable contribution within the workplace.

It is important to note that mental health can vary from feeling ‘a bit down’ to common illnesses such as anxiety and depression to more severe cases such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

It has been reported that mental health problems cost the average UK employer roughly £30bn annually. This is due to lack of production, recruitment issues and absence.

“Although understanding of mental health issues is growing, misconceptions still remain – especially in the workplace. Once thought of as something that happened to an unfortunate few, one in four people are now affected by mental health issues, and employers need to be able to spot the signs. If not, problems may only come to light later on when more serious interventions are necessary.” Joy Reymond, Head of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Unum.

Therefore, it is encouraged that employers promote good mental health and provide support for employees who are suffering from mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

This blog focuses on the practical, but less obvious steps that employers should take in order to make a more positive difference to the lives of their employees who may be suffering from mental health issues in the workplace

Recognise that all employees have mental health

It is important that employers identify that all employees have mental health, in the same way an individual has their physical health. Both can deteriorate from good to bad depending on circumstances that may be going on in and out of the working environment.

Keep in contact with employees who are off with a mental health issue

It is crucial that employers find the right balance when keeping in touch with an employee who is off sick. Further, employers should be aware that the longer an employee is off with a mental health issue, the less likely they are to return to work. This is because they will begin to loose confidence and feel kept in the dark from the business.

In addition, employers should help their employees with access to medical services. By helping the employee take medical action as early as possible will see the employee return to work sooner than later.


Employers should develop a mental health policy, by doing this employee’s will be reassured that the business cares for their wellbeing. In addition, such policies will create an overall awareness in the workplace and encourage individuals to talk about mental health.


Employers should use staff newsletters, posters and other internal communications to promote mental health awareness. As well as this, introducing discussions into staff meetings can be used as an opportunity to check in with how employees are feeling.

Ensure all managers are properly trained

By training up managers, employees will be reassured that their management team is educated in mental health matters, meaning they will feel more inclined to come forward and discuss any problems they may be having in and out of the working environment.

Zero tolerance to bullying policies

All employers should ensure there is a zero-tolerance approach taken to bullying in the workplace. It should be communicated in these policies that those found guilty of such conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.

Employment Law Support for Employers

Most of the time absence is genuine. At Employment Law Services (ELS) our employment law team help our clients form effective people management policies, give advice on the cause of absence and provide them with guidance on how to monitor long-term illness, return to work, sick pay and fit notes.

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.

Please note, this article has not to be taken as legal advice. The author strongly advises the reader to take the correct legal advice before embarking on any enforcement action.

European Human Rights Court limits employers’ right to monitor employee emails

Last month, Europe’s Human Rights Court established that employers can monitor employees’ emails but only if they notify the employee in advance. This represents the rapid evolving area of legislation at the crossing of technology, privacy and workers’ rights.

The judgement in the case of Barbulescu’s v Romania concluded that the authorities had not sufficiently protected Barbulescu’s right to a private life and correspondence. It was further established that the national courts had failed to identify whether the employee had been given prior notice from his employer that his workplace communications were being observed.

In this case, the employees’ communications involved messages he had sent to his brother and fiancé disclosing private matters, some of which were of an intimate nature.

Following this, the employee had his employment terminated on the grounds that he had breached the company’s internal regulations that prohibited the use of company equipment for personal purposes.

The courts in this case submitted, although it was debatable whether the employee could have had a reasonable expectation of privacy in view of his employer’s restrictive regulations on internet use, and although he had been informed, the employers instruction could not reduce private social life in the workplace to zero.

The decision made in this case does not mean that employers are prevented or restricted when it comes to monitoring emails, but they should be taking into consideration some other important aspects before doing so.

(1)   Have a legitimate reason to monitor employees’ emails in the first instance

Legitimate reasons include; The need to detect any criminal activity, to identify if an employee is using workplace systems for the wrong reason, making sure that employees are working to the expected standards and following company procedures, investigating claims of misconduct and finally, if there is a need to identify misuse of confidential information.

Employers must have a fair, proportionate and legitimate reason to investigate employee communications. It is crucial that employers find the correct balance between their needs and their employees right to a private life.

(2)   Ensure that there are clear workplace policies in place

In the event that you decide to monitor the use of electronic platforms in the workplace, it is important that all employees are made aware of the nature and the context of the monitoring. Further, it is recommended that employers insert such provisions into the employees’ contract of employment or employee handbooks. Within these the instructions, it should be made clear what the employee can and cannot do and the consequences of any violation within these policies.

(3)   Ensure your employees are well informed in advance

Should an employer find that an employee’s communication use needs to be monitored, it is crucial that they employee is made aware that this is going to occur. As well as this, the employee should be notified of how this will be conducted and what aspects of communication are under investigation.

(4)   If you do not already, have a monitoring policy in place

If an employer does not already have these in place, or it is not detailed in employee’s phones, emails and internet use, then these should be incorporated and communicated to all employees. Having these signed documents is crucial in the event that an employer should wish to enforce a monitoring policy.

(5)   Is there a less intrusive method available?

In the first instance, it may be more productive to ask the employee first if they are using workplace emails for private use, instead of assuming and accessing their email immediately. If the employee owns up and admits they have been using emails for personal use there will be no need to monitor further. Monitoring should only be carried out if the employee denies such a claim.

Employers should note that UK case law states that the monitoring of employee calls, emails and internet use is a breach of privacy. This latest judgement by the European Human Rights Court reiterates the seriousness for UK employers to find the correct balance prior to carrying out any investigations of employees.

Employment Law Support for Employers

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

Pregnant women, new mothers and redundancy – don’t get caught out!

If an employer finds that they need to restructure their organisation and make redundancies, then it is extremely important that they are careful about the way they treat pregnant employees or employees on maternity leave.

In the first instance, it is important that employers understand pregnancy and maternity protection.

The purpose of this legislation is to:

  • Protect the health of mothers and babies
  • Minimise the problems that working women face due to starting a family

The Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations 1999 provides that from the beginning of pregnancy to the end of maternity leave is a ‘protected period’.

The law states:

  • During this protected period, it is viewed as unlawful for a woman to be treated unfavourable because of her pregnancy or because she is on maternity leave
  • A woman returning from maternity leave has the right to return to the same position as before she left; her position cannot be filled even if the employer believes the interim is a better employee
  • Should an employer select an employee for redundancy on the grounds of pregnancy or maternity leave, this will be viewed as unlawful discrimination and unfair dismissal
  • Failing to consult an employee on maternity leave about redundancy will be viewed as unlawful discrimination
  • A female made redundant whilst on maternity leave, must be offered another suitable position. She should not be required to re-apply to the organisation.

How can employers manage redundancy that involves pregnant employees/employees on maternity leave?

If you are reorganising the workforce or downsizing and you need to make employees redundant, which includes a pregnant employee or one that is on maternity leave, employers should:

  • Ensure the redundancy is genuine and unavoidable
  • Make sure the employee is consulted
  • Identify non-discriminatory selection criteria
  • Look at alternative roles

Is the redundancy genuine?

Employers should ask themselves this question in the first instance, and ensure the redundancy is for a genuine reason and not caused by the pregnancy or maternity leave, genuine reasons include – closure of the business.

Employers often find that whilst the employee is on maternity leave, the business runs fine without her by readjusting and reorganising. However, this will not be viewed as a valid reason to make the employee redundant.

How should employers consult employees on maternity leave?

Employers should raise the issue as early as possible with all employees, alerting them of the proposed redundancies.

When doing this, employers should:

  • Raise the reason behind the redundancy
  • Discuss alternatives, such as voluntary redundancy or reducing working hours
  • Alert employees at risk of the selection criteria

Failing to consult an employee on maternity leave is likely to be viewed as discrimination should the employee take a claim to the Employment Tribunal. If employers are reluctant to contact an employee on maternity leave in case of disturbing them, they should discuss preferred contact options prior to the employee going on maternity leave.

How should employers decide the right selection criteria?

If the employer chooses to use a selection process to decide who to make redundant ACAS states “it must be transparent, known by everyone it applies to and non-discriminatory.” Further, this process should be objective and measurable.

Expected criteria to be considered includes:

  • Qualifications and the skills of that employee
  • Performance
  • Attendance record
  • Disciplinary record
  • Customer feedback

It is important that when considering criteria, employers do not disadvantage the employee on the grounds of sex, pregnancy or maternity leave.

Is there a relevant alternative position the employee can be put in?

On occasions, employers may have alternative positions that they can offer a redundant employee. In this event, an employee on maternity leave who is being considered for redundancy must be offered this vacancy before anyone else. If you fail to do this, her dismissal may be viewed as automatically unfair.

If there is no other vacancy to be offered, a woman can be made redundant during maternity leave if the reason behind the redundancy is unconnected with the pregnancy or maternity leave and the employer can display they followed a fair redundancy process.

Employment Law Support for Employers

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

Please note, the information in this article is for guidance purposes only and it is therefore advised that employers seek legal advice before embarking on any enforcement action.

Where are employers going wrong when managing annual leave?

In light of the recent controversy that has surrounded Ryanair in regard to management of annual leave, Personnel Today have published 5 common employer pitfalls. At Employment Law Services (ELS) we have summarised these to help our existing and non-existing clients avoid being caught out.

(1)  Not encouraging employees to spread annual leave out over the working year

It can become problematic for employers who allow their staff to build up too much annual leave.

This could arise in the event of excess work to complete or a business finds they are struggling due to the economic climate. Because of this, employees may be hesitant to take annual leave as they believe they are not in a position to do so at certain times of the year without putting their job at risk.

It is suggested that employers encourage their employees to plan and take time off, by doing this it helps to preserve employee health, wellbeing and motivation. Further, this helps prevent the workforce from sitting on excessive amounts of leave to take at the end of the year.

(2)  Offering an employee a cash substitute for their holidays

Often an employer may be tempted to offer their employee with a cash alternative in return for them giving up their annual leave entitlement. This has been seen when organisations are having a staffing crisis, have a heavy work load or require a big project to be completed on time.

It is important that employers remember the key principle of annual leave legislation – employers cannot offer employees payment in lieu of their statutory minimum annual leave entitlement.

(3)  Allowing employees to carry over excessive amounts of annual leave

European law restricts employers from carrying over the first 4 weeks of an employee’s statutory annual leave, except in the situation where an employee has not been able to take their holiday entitlement due to sickness. If they are not taken, they are lost.

After the first four weeks of statutory annual leave, employers have more scope to allow employees to carry forward any holidays left at the end of the year.

It is important that employers/managers confirm this through the employee’s contract of employment when clarifying whether this will be allowed or not and what rules have already been set.

(4)  Authorising too many employees holiday requests at the one time

This is generally seen during summer time and Christmas time. Managers are often discouraged to turn down an employee’s holiday request if they have already planned the trip.

However, it is important that employers/managers remember they are not legally obliged to accept these requests, unless the contract of employment states otherwise.

At Employment Law Services (ELS), we equip our clients with clear policies on holiday requests and encourage employers/managers to decline requests if the timing would result in the business struggling.

(5)  Not paying the employee the correct rates during annual leave

Recently, according to Personnel Today, “the single biggest employment law headache for UK employers has been revolved around the calculation of holiday pay.”

It is important to note, that it is no longer admissible to calculate holiday rates on the basis of an individual’s basic rate only.

Employers now need to consider over time, commission, stand by and travel allowances.

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) help?

Ensure your HR policies are updated to comply fully with current UK employment law. This is critical in protecting your business from employment Tribunal claims because they provide the framework to help employers to treat their staff fairly and consistently within the parameter of current UK employment law.

Formalising arrangements in certain areas of people management and development not only makes good business sense, it also ensure everyone is treated fairly and consistently which will help protect your business by significantly reducing the risks and costs associated with disgruntled staff filing Industrial Tribunal claims.

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

What to do if your employee resigns and doesnt work notice

What action can you take when an employee resigns but does not work their required notice period?

In the first instance, employees are generally under a contractual duty to give their employer a minimum notice of resignation. This duty is waived if the employer has fundamentally breached the contract of employment or has agreed to remove the notice period.

Of course, if the employee does not show up to work during their notice period the employer does not have to pay them. However, the business may then be at a loss in the event that the employer then has additional costs to pay should he bring in an agency worker to cover the role.

At Employment Law Services (ELS) we believe prevention is key!

Preventing the situation from occurring in the first place is always better than the cure. It is recommended that employers insert contractual rights which will discourage the employee from not working their notice period whilst providing the employer with an effective remedy if they do.

An example of this is a contractual clause that permits the company to deduct from the employee’s final wage. This is usually an amount equal to what the employee would have earned throughout the period of notice they failed to work. E.G. If they did not work one week then the employer could deduct one week’s pay off their final wage.

Breach of contract

It is crucial that employers insert these provisions into the contract of employment prior to the employee handing in their notice.

Should you fail to do this, then deduct from the employee’s final wage anyway, this action will amount to an unlawful deduction of wages. For which the employee can then raise a claim in the Employment Tribunal, this will then further prevent you from recovering any losses occurred using another legal remedy.

It can become time consuming and costly when attempting to prove damages to the business and will essentially depend on the nature of the organisation and the role of the employee. Because of this, employers often fail to pursue further action.

Thus, it is extremely important that your contracts of employment are kept up to date in order to protect yourself and the business from unnecessary damages.

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) help protect your business?

For Employers that already have contracts of employment in place, we can review all existing documents and update them as required and for Employers that have nothing in place, we can produce effective contracts of employment for all staff members from scratch.

Whatever your requirements are, Employment Law Services (ELS) can help! Either as a ‘one-off’ exercise or as part of one of our HR Service packages, EmployEasily will ensure your statutory obligations are met and that your business prevents problems and remains protected.

At Employment Law Services (ELS), our team understand that the needs of employers differ depending on the nature of the role that they are looking to fill. We also appreciate that some employers may already have some form of contract with employees, but may be concerned that the contract does not accurately reflect the nature of the relationship or is riddled with ambiguities. It is these issues which often cause difficulties to employers in attempting to deal with employees when difficulties can and do arise. We take pride in offering a service that aims to address these concerns of employers.

Employment Law Support for Employers

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

Employment Tribunal Statistics remain stable…but for how long?

Recent statistics produced by the Ministry of Justice showed that the number of claims to the Employment Tribunal between the period April to June 2017 has increased.

From April to June there were 4,241 single claims logged, this shows a 2% increase on the same period of 2016.

88,476 cases were accepted by the tribunal service over the year to June 2017. 17,005 of these counted for single cases and 71,471 counted as multiple claims. This shows an increase in the total claim numbers by 6% in comparison to 2015/16.

Although the number of claims logged has been suggested as being stable, this is likely to change after the Supreme Court found that tribunal fees were unlawful. This is because employees will now feel more inclined to bring a claim forward with the removal of the barrier of costly fees.

Between April and June, there was 9,518 multiple claims received. This shows a decrease of 19% during the same period in 2016.

The research published by the Ministry of Justice identified that the maximum compensation award during 2016/17 was in an unfair dismissal claim which saw £1.7m paid out.

Throughout the year to June 2017, over 30,000 cases were brought under the Working Time Directive, 12,038 for unfair dismissal and 10,467 for equal pay.

In the same time frame 86% of claimants had legal representation and 9% represented themselves.

Cases heard in the Employment Appeal Tribunal in 2016/17 fell by 8% in comparison to the year 2015/16. The number of claims thrown out by the EAT decreased by 14% over the same time period.

Following the ruling made by the Supreme Court, the Government announced it would take steps to put an end to fees and organise refunds to all who have previously paid fees – this pay-out has been estimated to cost the Government £32m.

Xpert HR’s employment law editor, Stephen Simpson states: “It is anticipated that the abolition of employment tribunal fees in July of this year will lead to a sharp rise in claims. What we don’t know is whether the removal of the fees barrier will mean an immediate return to pre-July 2013 claim levels. Or will the increase be more modest or gradual?

“The latest statistics only cover the period up to June 2017, so don’t shed any light on this. However, employers and employment lawyers will be eagerly awaiting the next round of quarterly tribunal figures, covering July to September 2017. They are scheduled for publication on 14 December and should provide an indication of the initial impact of the removal of fees on claim levels.”

How can we help?

If you’re facing an Employment Tribunal Claim and want to find out more about how Employment Law Services (ELS) can help support your company, contact us today on 0800 612 4772 or request a Free Quote now.

Public sector pay cap to be lifted from next year

Theresa May’s Government announced yesterday they will end the 1% annual cap on public sector pay by 2018 and in 2017, police and prison staff will be awarded with a 2% and 1.7% rise.

However, Senior Police Officers remain locked in a bitter row with the Government arguing that the number of officers on the streets will have to be cut in order to fund this 2% pay rise for their staff.

The Prime Minister stated that “more flexibility” is required to continue attracting and retaining workers with the right skills in order to distribute “world class” public services.

These rises will be supported through cuts elsewhere in prisons and police force budgets. It has been submitted that other public-sector workers will see a rise in 2018/19 however, these will be funded through Government spending.

The armed forces, doctors, dentists and the NHS are next scheduled for a pay review which will be addressed in Autumns budget.

These increases appear as a positive move in the right direction, however, they still fall below the rate of inflation and were instantly criticised by unions who have been fighting for a 5% increase across the board.

The Prison Officers Association argues that the 1.7% pay increase for their staff is “not good enough” when current inflation sits at 2.9%.

The Police Federation stated: “It nowhere near makes up for what police officers have lost – it doesn’t deal with real term cuts.”

Frances O’Grady, General Secretary of the Trade Union Congress branded the Government as “pathetic” over the offer. “Public sector workers have suffered seven long years of real pay cuts and are thousands of pounds worse off. Today’s announcement means bills will continue to rise faster than their wages.”

Sir Vincent Cable, leader of the Liberal Democrats said he was pleased the Prime Minister had accepted that the pay cap was no longer sustainable and urged ministers to protect all public-sector workers and ensure they are “given the pay they deserve.”

How Employment Law Services (ELS) Can Help Employers

Employers concerned about any of the issues raised in this article can take advantage of Employment Law Services (ELS) free consultation service – call us today to arrange your free consultation – 0800 612 4772.

Employer queries regarding data subject access requests

What are data subject access requests?

The Data Protection 1998 provides that employees can act as ‘data subjects’ which allows them to make data subject requests in regard to information that may be held about them.

These requests are straightforward to make; however, they can become time consuming and complex for the employer.

The sole purpose of data subject access requests is to allow the individual to certify that their information is being processed duly and in line with the Data Protection Act.

However, many employees have been suggested as using these requests as a way of ‘fishing’ before legal action.

What is classed as personal data?

Under the Data Protection Act, personal data is defined as “data relating to a living individual who is or can be identified either from the data or from the data in conjunction with their information that is in, or is likely to come into, the possession of the data controller.”

In simpler terms, it is information that concerns the individual in his/her personal, family, professional or business life.

What forms a binding data subject access request?

In the first instance, a valid request should be in writing. Those who hold the data can request that a fee of up to £10 is paid in the first event before the data will be released.

It is important that employers are satisfied with the identity of the person requesting the data. It should not be automatically assumed that the individual requesting the data is who they say they are.

When asking for proof of identity, this must be reasonable. Reasonable requests include requesting that the subject shows you their passport or drivers licence.

In addition, some requests may come through third parties such as the employees doctor or solicitor. As the person who holds the information you must be satisfied that the request has been sanctioned by the subject. In this instance, you may ask that the employee provides you with authority in writing before you release the request.

What data can an employee request?

The ICO code of practice states that an individual is entitled to be:

– Told whether any personal data is being processed;

– Given a description of the personal data, the reasons it is being processed and whether it will be given to any other organisations or people;

– Given a copy of the personal data and;

– Given details of the source of the data (where this is available)

The ICO code of practice states further “an individual can also request information about the reasoning behind any automated decisions taken about him or her, such as a computer-generated decision to grant or deny credit, or an assessment of performance at work.”

What is the time limit when responding to a request?

The ICO Code of Practice states employers must respond to access requests promptly and within 40 days of receiving the request.

How can we help?

At Employment Law Services (ELS), we will work together with our clients to ensure they are fully protected and prepared for the new regulation to take effect in May 2018. If you have any specific queries about the impact this may have on your business or wish to contact us for a free consultation call us today on – 0800 612 4772.