How to upskill your workforce to get the most out of your employees

One of the biggest concerns for small business owners is the skills gap as the UK is soon set to leave the EU.

Recruitment website have produced research identifying 2 out of 3 employees have moved on due to lack of development opportunities and training.

Providing your employees with training and further education opportunities can have a number of benefits for your business in the long-term, including, improved employee morale, higher retention and increased productivity.

Therefore, upskilling your current workforce is a crucial step to keep your employees engaged. Here are our top tips to get the most out of your team.

Workplace mentoring

New starts and junior level employees benefit from this the most. Mentoring can be done informally – simply set aside some time each week to give your employees feedback, and work alongside them when solving problems and decision making. This has been proved as a more efficient way to bring employees up to scratch more quickly than if left unsupervised.

Training courses

Training courses are effective when improving your current workforce. However, they are also viewed as attractive benefits for ambitious individuals. Benefits include:

  • Increased productivity
  • Employees develop a greater skill set which in turn allows them to undertake a wider variety of duties
  • Increased ability to adapt effectively to change in the workplace

A report published by research firm Gallup – “How millennials want to work” identified that 59% of respondents said that opportunities to learn and develop were crucial when applying for jobs.

Set out roles & responsibilities clearly

If your employees have a clearer understanding of what is expected of them and how their input contributes to the success of the business, they will have a greater sense of purpose and in turn will have a stronger commitment in what they can achieve.

We recommend holding team meetings once a month to ensure all employees are contributing. This helps them understand their own individual role as well as the importance of their team.

Reward your employees for their efforts

It is well established that happy employees are vital to the long-term success of any organisation. Recognising your employees hard work and rewarding them will:

  • Create a good impression of your business to those outside of it
  • Aid the recruitment process
  • Encourage your employees to always go that extra mile for the business
  • Supports team work and cohesiveness

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) Help?

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

April 2018: Important employment law updates

April is always one of the busiest months of the year in the world of employment law. Here is a summary of the key updates employers should be aware of:

(1) National Living Wage & National Minimum Wage

The NLW is to increase from £7.50 to £7.83 per hour while the NMW will increase as followed: –

  • 21 to 24-year-old rate from £7.05 to £7.38 per hour;
  • 18 to 20-year-old rate from £5.60 to £5.90 per hour;
  • 16 to 17-year-old rate from £4.05 to £4.20 per hour;
  • Apprentice rate from £3.50 to £3.70 per hour;

(2) Statutory Benefits

On the 1st April, statutory maternity/paternity/adoption/shared parental pay and maternity allowance will increase to £145.18 per week (currently £140.98 per week).

As of the 6th April, statutory sick pay will increase to £92.05 per week (currently £89.35 per week).

(3) Tribunal Compensation

Compensation limits are minimum awards payable under employment legislation and are set to increase on the 6th April. Increases go as followed:

  • Maximum limit on compensatory award for unfair dismissal will increase to £83,682 (currently £80,541);
  • Maximum limit on a week’s pay for calculating basic award and statutory redundancy payments will increase to £508 (currently £489);
  • Guarantee pay will increase to £28 per day (currently £27 per day);
  • The minimum basic award in cases where a dismissal is unfair by virtue of health and safety, employee representative, trade union, or occupational pension trustee reasons will increase to £6,203 (currently £5,970);
  • Award for unlawful inducement relating to trade union membership or activities, or for unlawful inducement relating to collective bargaining will increase to £4,059 (from £3,907)
  • Minimum amount of compensation where individual excluded or expelled from union in contravention and not admitted or re-admitted by date of tribunal application will increase to £9,474 (currently £9,118)

(4) Taxation of Termination Payments

As of 6th April, all payments made in lieu of notice, will be taxed, regardless of whether they are contractual or not.

(5) Gender Pay Gap Reporting

The 4th April is the deadline in which gender pay gap reports should be published. These results must be made public on the employer’s website and a government site. This means the public, customers, employees and potential recruits will have access to these figures.

Employers should consider taking new or faster actions to reduce or eliminate their gender pay gaps.

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) Help?

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

How to manage a disgruntled ex-employee

As an employer, you will eventually experience a disgruntled ex-employee. The problem with an angry former employee is they pose a risk to your business. Therefore, the sooner this situation is addressed, the better.

All employers should ensure they take the following steps:

(1)    Arrange An exit interview with the employee

When an employee hands in their letter of resignation, employers should arrange an exit interview to allow them to understand their thoughts and reasoning behind the resignation.

In the exit interview, the employee should be reminded of their contractual duties whilst working their notice. For example, the employee may be reminded of clauses in connection to confidentiality and accessing company records.

If it states in the employment contract things they should not do when leaving the company, they should be reminded of this too and that the company will deal with any breaches.

(2)    Ensure you have robust contracts of employment in place

Post termination restrictive covenants are contractual clauses which may be set out within a contract of employment. If this is the case, employers should use them when an employee hands his/her notice in.

The most common restrictions an employer may place on an employee who wishes to terminate the employment relationship are:

  • General confidentiality clauses; these make it unlawful for the employee to disclose sensitive information about the organisation and its clients
  • Non-solicitation clauses; this means the employee cannot approach the organisations existing clients when the employment has been terminated
  • Non-dealership restrictions; such clauses prevent the employee from doing business with the organisations clients after they leave the employment

(3)    Have everything documented

Since the Supreme Court made the decision to abolish tribunal fees in July 2017, employees can now bring a claim to the Employment Tribunal without that financial barrier. It is therefore extremely important that employers document everything to minimise risks associated with the Employment Tribunal. Employers should keep all important documents, including, the employee’s resignation letter and any minutes taken at the exit interview.

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) Help?

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

Bank Holidays: 5 things every employer should know

Everyone loves a bank holiday, unless you are an employer trying to work out your obligations and your employee’s rights. As we approach the Easter bank holiday, here is what you need to know:

(1)  There is no statutory right for employees to have bank holidays off work. An employee’s right to time off will depend on the employee’s contract of employment.

(2)  There is no statutory right to extra pay; for example, should an employee work a bank holiday, they will not be entitled to time and a half. Any right to extra pay will depend on the provisions of the employment contract.

(3)  Part time workers should not be treated less favourably than full time workers. To follow best practice guidelines, employers should give part time employees a prorated allowance of paid bank holidays, regardless of whether or not they normally work on the days on which bank holidays fall.

(4)  If the employment contract states an employee will be required to work bank holidays, they cannot refuse this, even on the grounds of religious reasons. However, it is important to note, refusal to grant Christian employees time off for any of the bank holidays with religious significance could expose you to indirect religious discrimination claims.

(5)  If the employment contract states that employees are entitled to “statutory entitlement plus bank holidays”, this no longer means 20 days leave plus 8 bank holidays. In 2009, the statutory minimum leave was increased from 4 weeks to 5.9 weeks, thus, this wording would grant 28 days holiday with 8 bank holidays on top. Employers should check the wording in their employment contracts to determine if this is an issue.

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) help?

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

Tribunal claims increase by 90% since the abolishment of fees!

The Ministry of Justice has released its latest round of data on Employment Tribunals and key figures show:

  • Single Employment Tribunal claims received have increased by 90%
  • Single Employment Tribunal claims disposed of have increased by 21%
  • The backlog of single Employment Tribunal claims have increased by 66%
  • Multiple Employment Tribunal claims received have increased by 467%

From the launch of the Employment Tribunal refund scheme in October 2017 to 31st December 2017, 4,800 applications for refunds were received, and 3,400 payments with a total value of £2.8m were made.

These statistics suggest that employers will continue to face a rapid increase in claims as employees are no longer restricted from using the Employment Tribunal process.

It is evident that this new advantage of being able to lodge an Employment Tribunal claim, is increasing costs for business owners and placing a significant amount of pressure on Employment Tribunals who have had to cut staff. In turn they are struggling to manage caseloads and as a result, outcomes are being delayed.

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) Help?

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

GDPR Reminder

General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR becomes law 25th May 2018. Going forward, what does this mean for your business?

What is GDPR?

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets out new rules for the handling of data. This may already be acknowledged as Data Protection; GDPR is set to replace this act. Therefore, businesses will need to alter the way in which they currently deal with personal details on employees and former employees and report any significant breaches.

What is the purpose of this change in the law?

It has become evident that the current statutory framework is not “fit for purpose” due to the increasing growth in the internet and online behaviour. Personal data is now being used in ways that were not foresaw when the Data Protection Act 1998 was first implemented.

Do I need to do anything?

Yes, GDPR will effect businesses of all sizes; implementing new legal requirements on employers because they fall into the category of “data controllers.”

Significant financial penalties will be imposed on employers should they breach the GDPR. This includes fines of up to €20 million or 4% of annual turnover, whichever is higher.

Therefore employers, if they have not done so already, should prepare for the following changes:

Detailed privacy notices

Under current Data Protection provisions, employers are required to provide employees and job applicants with a privacy notice informing individuals of certain information. Under GDPR, employers will now need to provide more detail, including:

  • How long the data will be kept on the system for
  • If the data will be transferred to other countries
  • Information on the right to make a subject access request
  • Information on the right to have personal data deleted or rectified

Restriction to consent 

At present, employers tend to justify the processing of personal data on the grounds of employee consent. This approach has been widely criticised as there can be doubt as to whether or not consent is given freely in the employer – employee relationship.

The GDPR is expected to set out more prescriptive requirements when attempting to obtain consent. This means it will be more difficult for employers to rely on consent to justify processing.

New breach notification requirement

Article 31 of the GDPR provides that “in the case of a personal data breach, data controllers shall without undue delay” and no later than 72 hours after becoming aware of it, notify the personal data breach to the supervisory authority.

In the event that the breach poses a high risk to the rights and freedoms of the individuals, those in question will have to be made aware of this.

Data Protection officer

The GDPR makes it a requirement that organisations appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) in some circumstances.

Organisations must appoint a DPO if:

  • They are a public authority
  • Conduct large scale systematic monitoring of individuals
  • Are involved in carrying out large scale processing of special categories of data or data that relates to criminal convictions or offences

DPO’s will be expected to:

  • Advise on GDPR obligations
  • Monitor compliance
  • Liaise with the data protection authority

Act now 

It is crucial that employers cooperate and understand the new GDPR regulations. Employers will need HR, legal, IT and compliance teams to take a united approach.

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) Help?

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

When does the NMW and Living Wage increase?

Last week the Government announced a huge change for UK workers – Here is what you need to know:

Following on from the Budget in November 2017, Chancellor Phillip Hammond has announced that there would be an increase in the amount people will be entitled to earn in 2018.

The National Minimum Wage (NMW) is the minimum pay per hour most workers under the age of 25 are entitled to by law.

The government’s National Living Wage (NLW) is the minimum pay per hour most workers aged 25 and over are entitled to by law.

The NLW is to increase from £7.50 to £7.83 per hour while the NMW will increase as follows:-

  • 21 to 24 year old rate from £7.05 to £7.38 per hour
  • 18 to 20 year old rate from £5.60 to £5.90 per hour
  • 16 to 17 year old rate from £4.05 to £4.20 per hour
  • Apprentice rate from £3.50 to £3.70 per hour

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) help?

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee HR packages here and fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

Pimlico Plumbers case heard in the Supreme Court

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard a crucial gig economy case with Pimlico Plumbers challenging last year’s Court of Appeal decision that a plumber who signed an agreement with the company defining himself as self-employed, was in fact a worker.

Last year, in Pimlico Plumbers Ltd & Another v Smith, the Court of Appeal held that a plumber was a worker under statutory provisions which should have entitled him to the rights of a worker throughout his employment.

In this case, Gary Smith was required under agreement to wear a uniform with the company’s logo on display and drive a van that was leased from the company. In addition, he was also required to work a minimum number of hours each week.

When Pimlico Plumbers v Smith reached the Court of Appeal; it was accepted that he was a worker, which entitled him to basic employment rights. Such as, the right to National Minimum Wage & the right to paid annual leave.

In this instance, the Court of Appeal had been particularly swayed by Mr Smith’s requirement to provide his services personally. His agreement with his employers did not allow him to get someone else to carry out his duties.

Charlie Mullins, who is the Chief Executive of Pimlico Plumbers said: “The outcome of the case will have huge ramifications for a large part of the economy, including the media, the health service and of course the construction industry.”

“In one three-year period Mr Smith earned more than £500,000 as a self-employed contractor, but when his circumstances changed he wanted me to foot the bill for sick and holiday pay, as well as to grant him other employment rights, which he was not entitled to, and which in my view he had already been paid to take care of for himself.”

Mullins argues that this case is not like Uber and other gig economy cases.

“The engineers who contract to Pimlico Plumbers are very highly-skilled individuals, can go anywhere and do whatever they want.”

“Pimlico Plumbers wants to comply with its obligations and it has always been our genuine belief that we have been doing that. HMRC has looked into the situation in the past and told us that engineers are self-employed. We have been operating in accordance with this.”

If the Supreme Court dismisses the appeal from Pimlico, like Uber, it has been predicted that we will see a notable transformation within the ever-growing gig economy. This means employers will have to adjust their business models to minimise risks associated with worker status.

This hearing is set to last 2 days with judgement expected in early March.

We will keep employers informed of updates as and when it comes in.

Taylor Review: Government pledges to reform workers’ rights

The Government have reported that it will enforce workers’ rights from their first day in a new job.

On 7th February, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) said it had acted on “all but one of Matthew Taylors 53 recommendations.”

It has been proposed that the Good Work Plan will ensure that all workers, including casual and zero-hour workers will receive basic rights and payslips and, for the first time, ensure all workers receive holiday and sick pay.

In addition, the Good Work Plan will seek to guarantee the right for all workers to request a more stable contract of employment.

Greg Clark, Business Secretary said: “The Taylor Review said that the current approach to employment is successful but we should build on that success, in preparing for future opportunities.”

“We want to embrace new ways of working, and to do so we will be one of the first countries to prepare out employment rules to reflect new challenges.”

“We will take forward Matthew Taylors recommendations and commit to pursuing the quality of work as well as the number of jobs.”

However, before taking any further action, the Government have said it will consult with businesses on the impact of plans to enforce employment rights, change rules concerning agency workers, increase transparency in the labour market and consider employment status.

The Good Work Plan will include:

  • Tougher regulations for sectors who employ unpaid interns to do the job of a worker
  • Publishing names of employers who fail to pay Employment Tribunal awards
  • Quadrupling Employment Tribunal fines for employers who have shown malice, spite or gross oversight to £20,000
  • Higher minimum wage rates for individuals on zero-hour contracts

Matthew Taylor, the leading author of the Taylor Review and Chief Executive of the RSA said: “There is much more to be done to make good work for all a realistic goal, but the Government’s response, emphasising that the good work agenda must now change up a gear for Government, businesses and unions alike.”

“There is much more to be done to make good work for all a realistic goal, but the government’s response to my review is substantive and comprehensive. It will make a difference to the lives of the most vulnerable workers and that is what matters.”

Employment Status – Worker or Employee?

At present, an individual’s employment rights will depend upon whether they are an employee or a worker.

An individual is generally classes as a worker if:

  • They have a contract or other arrangements to do work or services personally for a reward
  • Their reward is for money or a benefit in kind
  • They only have a limited right to send someone else to do the work
  • They have to turn up for work even if they do not want to
  • Their employer has to have work for them to do as long as the contract or arrangement lasts

Employment Rights

Workers are entitled to certain employment rights which include:

  • National Minimum Wage
  • Protection against unlawful deduction of wages
  • The statutory minimum level of paid annual leave
  • The statutory minimum length of rest breaks
  • To not work more than 48 hours in one week or to opt out of this right if they choose
  • Protection against unlawful discrimination
  • To not be treated less favourably if they work part-time

An employee is someone who works under a contract of employment. All employees are workers; however, an employee has extra employment rights and responsibilities that do not apply to workers who are not employees.

Employment Rights

These rights include all of the rights workers have and:

  • Statutory sick pay
  • Statutory maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and pay
  • Minimum notice periods if their employment will be terminated
  • Protection against unfair dismissal
  • Right to request flexible working
  • Time off for emergencies
  • Statutory redundancy pay

How can Employment Law Services (ELS) help?

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.  You can also find out more about our fixed fee employment law packages here, or get in touch.

National Sickie Day 2018 – How should employers deal with absence in the workplace

It has been reported that traditionally, the first Monday in February is the day in which the greatest number of employees in the UK take the day off due to illness.

It is suggested that this is down to a number of factors; this is the first pay weekend since Christmas, meaning a lot of people have been out celebrating all weekend. Another theory suggests that employees tend to revaluate their career paths in January, therefore, a lot of these sickies are to attend interviews.

After browsing the web, the top 10 ridiculous excuses include:

(1)    I can’t come in today; my flatmates took the door handle off and I can’t get out

(2)    All of my work clothes are wet

(3)    I’ve managed to secure a parking space outside my house and I can’t risk losing it

(4)    Goats got into my garden

(5)    I’m stuck in the bathroom

(6)    My mum was hoovering the stairs and I couldn’t get past

(7)    My hamster is poorly

(8)    Death of relative (relative later to be found alive and well)

(9)    My trousers split on the way in

(10) I swallowed a hot sausage last night and it burnt my throat so badly

So, what action can employers take to pull the duvet off malingering employees?


Is absenteeism an issue in your workplace?

This can be a difficult issue to tackle, especially because employee absences can occur for a number of different reasons.

Employers should:

  • Ensure attendance expectations are clearly set; this solution may be as simple as having clear drafted attendance policies
  • Enforce attendance policies consistently; it can be tempting for employers to allow more absences than the workplace policy states when an employee is facing a difficult situation. It is recommended that employers implement a policy that has flexibility built into it so I can be easily enforced throughout the workforce
  • Ensure all employees know what steps to take when they are going to be off sick; employees should be aware of who to contact, what time the contact should be made and what information should be provided. In addition, they should be aware of what documentation they will be required to provide (if any) when they return
  • Monitor absences; doing this allows employers to keep a note of absences and identify any patterns or trends
  • Carry out return to work interviews; these interviews should be conducted after every absence in the workplace. Employers should use return to work interviews to; welcome the employee back to work and check they are well enough to resume their duties


Presenteeism, or going into work while sick can cause lack of productivity, poor health, exhaustion and workplace epidemics.

Therefore, employees who turn up sick to work, can have a significant and costly impact on the organisation, not only in terms of spreading the illness, but in terms of diminished productivity, quality of work and attention to safety.

Employers should:

  • Send sick employees home
  • Educate employees on the importance of staying at home when poorly
  • Promote health and well-being in the workplace
  • Foster a culture that discourages employees from coming into work when sick
  • Review current workplace policies

Employment Law Support for Employers

Presenteeism, like absenteeism, has only negative impacts on your workforce and the business as a whole. However, the issue can be avoided if addressed correctly.

Employment Law Services (ELS) offer training courses for employers on managing absence. As well as this, our legal experts can help your organisation address any underlying issues you may be facing.

If you require employment law advice on any of the issues raised in this article, or any other employment issue give us a call today on 0370 218 5662.