December 16, 2008 was a Tuesday, and it was the 351st day of the year in 2008. It was the 51st Tuesday of that year and it was also the day that Employment Law Services (ELS) was born.

As of today, the multi-award winning team at Employment Law Services (ELS) has been providing a complete employment law solution for employers and employees for 12 years!
We’d like to thank all those who have helped contribute to our success over the past 12 years and look forward to continuing to provide our full range of employment law and HR services to clients throughout the UK for the next 12 years and beyond!
Although our offices will close at 3.30pm on Wednesday 23 December 2020 and reopen again at 9.00am on Wednesday 6 January 2021, you can still book a free consultation with one of team of specialist up to 23 December 2020 or from 6 January 2021 here – Book a Free Consultation
#StaySafe #MerryChristmas #HappyNewYear #EELS