Christmas closure graphic

Preparing for the Festive Period Closure – Check Out Our Top Ten Tips

As the festive season approaches, employers are gearing up for a well-deserved break, and it’s crucial to ensure a smooth closure of operations during this joyful time.  To help navigate the challenges that can arise when preparing to close the office for Christmas and New Year, we’ve compiled our “Top Ten Tips Festive Period Closure Tips for Employers.”

From effective communication strategies to securing your premises, these tips are designed to streamline the process and contribute to a stress-free holiday season for both employers and employees. Let’s dive into the key strategies that will make your office closure a seamless and enjoyable experience for all.

Notify employees, clients, and stakeholders well in advance about the office closure dates for Christmas and New Year. Clear communication sets expectations and avoids any last-minute surprises.

Encourage employees to prioritise tasks and projects before the closure. Completing outstanding work ensures a smoother return to regular operations without the burden of pending assignments.

Advise employees to set up out-of-office email notifications with clear information about the closure dates. Include alternative contacts for urgent matters and let clients know when they can expect a response.

Ensure the office premises are secure before closing. Lock all doors and windows, set alarms if applicable, and double-check that all electronic devices and equipment are turned off to conserve energy.

Designate and communicate emergency contacts or support staff who will be available during the closure. This is crucial for handling any unforeseen issues that may arise, ensuring a swift response.

Inform clients and key vendors about the office closure, providing them with alternative contacts if necessary. This fosters transparency and helps manage expectations during the holiday period.

Encourage employees to take time off to rest and recharge. Emphasise the importance of a healthy work-life balance during the holidays, promoting overall well-being.

Take the opportunity to conduct a year-end review, celebrating achievements and milestones. Acknowledge and appreciate the hard work of the team, fostering a positive and reflective atmosphere.

Encourage a collective effort to tidy up workspaces before the closure. Dispose of unnecessary items, clean communal areas, and ensure everything is organised for a fresh start in the new year.

Discuss and plan for the first days back in the office after the holidays. Establish priorities, set goals, and outline any upcoming projects to ensure a smooth transition back to regular work routines.

Remember, effective preparation ensures a seamless closure and a stress-free return to work after the festive period. These tips will help create a positive and organised environment for both employees and clients during the holiday break.

Our Office Closure Dates

As we approach the end of the year, we’re excited to share news about our upcoming festive period office closure. This short break is an opportunity for our team to recharge, spend time with loved ones, and reflect on the accomplishments of the past year.

Our offices will be closed from 1pm on 22 December 2023 until 9:00am on Monday 8 January 2024 to allow our team members the opportunity to enjoy quality time with their families and friends.

The holiday season is not only a time for celebration but also a moment to express gratitude, so we want to thank each member of our team, our valued clients, and partners for contributing to the continuing success and growth of our organisation. Your dedication and support have been invaluable.

Emergency Contact Information

We understand that some matters may require urgent attention and so apart from 25th & 26th December and 1st and 2nd January, any retained clients with any critical issues will be able to contact us via our usual ‘Emergency Out of Hours Helpline’ where one of our team members will be on hand to assist them promptly.  Just one of the many benefits of our Annual Retainer Service!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

On behalf of the entire Employment Law Services (ELS) LTD team, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May this festive season bring you warmth, laughter, and moments of pure joy. Here’s to a prosperous and fulfilling year ahead!

Thank you for your understanding as we take this short break to recharge and create lasting memories with our loved ones. We look forward to returning in the new year with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families!