Get a Homeworking Policy
With the latest working from home guidance and talk of a ‘circuit break’ after Christmas and into the New Year to try and combat the rapid spread of the OMICRON variant of COVID, many Employers will again be reviewing their approach to homeworking.
One of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the various levels of lockdown restrictions we have all had to endure is that homeworking has become the norm rather than the exception for many workers and the need for an effective homeworking policy has never been higher. This shift in approach to homeworking is likely to become more common in the future, whether as a full-time arrangement or as part of a hybrid working pattern.
Employers requiring a more tailored approach, a specific hybrid working policy and/or supporting amendments to contracts of employment can Contact us directly to discuss their specific needs.
Other Employers looking for a straightforward homeworking policy can simply download our FREE homeworking Policy. This policy has not been drafted to accommodate any temporary homeworking arrangements that may be in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it can be adapted if a temporary homeworking policy is required for these purposes.
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