Employers Meet Your Legal Obligations with These Accredited E-Learning Courses
When it comes to compliance and risk management, training should be a key part of the overall strategy
With an online course from Employment Law Services (ELS), employers can go a long way to ensuring compliance with their legal obligations and their duty of care to their employees.
With full administrative audit trial and automatic certification, our courses allow your team to undertake learning at their own pace.
Take a look at a selection of the courses we offer below, and visit our training portal for more information and to see our full range of available e-learning courses.
For the purposes of the Equality Act (EqA 2010), anything done by an employee in the course of employment is treated as having also been done by the employer (section 109(1)), regardless of whether the employee’s acts were done with the employer’s knowledge or approval (section 109(3)). So, an employer can be “vicariously liable” for discrimination or harassment committed by an employee in the course of employment. However, there is a defence available to an employer if it can show that it took all reasonable steps to prevent the employee from doing the discriminatory act or from doing anything of that description (section 109(4)). One reasonable step an employer can take is to ensure they have a robust Equality & Diversity policy, but the existence of a policy in of itself is not enough. In addition, an employer should provide appropriate training for employees to ensure they are aware of, and able to meet, their responsibilities in respect Equality & Diversity, and our online training course provides exactly what an employer needs.

Bullying and harassment give rise to a number of legal issues: An employer may be liable under the Equality Act 2010 (EqA 2010) if it fails to protect its employees and other workers from harassment in the course of their employment. This includes harassment by members of staff and, in some cases, by third parties such as customers, service providers and visitors; The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 may impose liability on an employer for a course of conduct amounting to harassment by an employee; Employers have a number of implied duties in the employment contract, including a duty to provide a safe and suitable working environment, a duty not to destroy mutual trust and confidence, and a duty to provide redress of grievances; and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires employers to provide a safe place and system of work. As is the position in discrimination cases, an employer can be “vicariously liable” for acts of harassment or bullying committed by an employee in the course of employment.

Stress is a complex workplace issue not only because it is difficult to identify, but also because there is no legislation in the UK specifically dealing with it. The rights and duties of employers and employees in relation to stress derive from a combination of different statutory and common law sources. An employee complaining of work-related stress is likely to consider whether they can bring any of the following claims: Personal Injury, Breach of Contract, Unfair Dismissal, Disability Discrimination, and Harassment under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Stress is a real problem for both organisations and their employees. It accounts for a significant proportion of work related illness each year. Being aware of the signs of stress, some of the triggers and how to manage them can make a real difference to your wellbeing and that of people around you

Covid-19 Safe Workplaces
This course explores the risk to workers caused by the Covid-19 virus and covers actions that can be taken by employers and employees to protect themselves and each other as they return to work. The content of this course is based on the latest information from the UK government and the NHS

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
This course will consider what conflict is as well as its impact and role in the workplace. We will consider some of the triggers for workplace conflict and how it develops before looking at a number of different ways of managing it.

Data Protection in the Workplace
If you or your organisation handles personal information about individuals you have a number of legal obligations to protect that information. This course covers in detail: The benefits of good data protection, the rights of individuals in respect of their data, the data protection act, the issues that can arise from sharing data and the basic steps so you can start creating a data protection policy.

Effective Delegation
This course will start with the essentials – defining exactly what we mean by delegation and why it’s so important. It then goes into details about the elements of delegation, overcoming the barriers to delegation, how you can choose which tasks to delegate and who to, the process of delegation and much more…

Disciplinary Procedures
This course covers the aims of the disciplinary procedure, penalties including investigations, allegations and suspensions, procedures for carrying out hearings, and appeals.

Time Management
More often than not, the people who excel in their job, or are high achievers manage their time effectively, in a way that makes them work in a more efficient manner. This course has been designed to ensure you have the techniques to improve your efficiency, output and ability to function more effectively – whether in your ordinary day or when deadlines loom and the pressure is building.